Make Finances One Less Thing To Worry About
The following is an overview of AFROTC scholarship programs. To find out more, please visit the Air Force ROTC Scholarship Webpage.
There are two primary opportunities to earn a scholarshi - the High School Scholarship Program, and the In-College Scholarship Program
High School Scholarship Program
The High School Scholarship Program (HSSP) is available for high school seniors. The application window opens in July and closes in January, so you can apply for this scholarship starting the summer before your senior year and through the fall.
- No cost or obligation for applying
- Minimum grade requirements:
- GPA: 3.0
- ACT / SAT: 26 / 1240
In-College Scholarship
In-College Scholarship Students have three opportunities to compete for a AFROTC scholarship in college. In-college scholarships are typically boarded in the spring semester of the freshman year and both fall and spring semesters of the sophomore year.
To compete for an in-college scholarship you must be an active cadet in our program and meet the eligibility requirements.