Make Your College Experience One to Remember

If you will be attending the University of Wisconsin-Madison or one of our crosstowns this fall, joining Air Force ROTC is as simple as signing up for our classes. As long as you’re a full time student, there is no additional cost. Why not give it a try? You will not incur a service obligation by simply taking the class, and you may become eligible for one of our numerous scholarships after your first semester.

College Freshmen

It's never too late to join Air Force ROTC. Feel free to stop by the Detachment and see if our program is right for you.

College Sophomores

You can still join Air Force ROTC as a Sophomore so long as you have at least three years of college remaining.

College Juniors

In a few rare cases, we can even accept Juniors into our program. These situations typically involve the student either being in a 5-year approved engineering major or planning on pursuing a graduate course in their final year of Air Force ROTC. Stop by the Detachment or send us a email and we can discuss your options.

Law Students

If you are attending Law School at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and are interested in being a lawyer in the Air Force, you may be eligible to apply for the Graduate Law Program or the One Year Commissioning Program. The application process occurs during your first or second year of Law School and, if selected, you would complete Air Force ROTC in your second and/or third year of Law.