Improve your intercultural communication skills!
UW-Madison Air Force ROTC offers multiple foreign language learning opportunities, including Project GO and Flagship Programs.
Project GO
Project GO (Global Officer) is a Department of Defense initiative aimed at improving language skills, regional expertise, and the intercultural communication skills of future military officers.
Project GO offers funding to ROTC students for domestic and study abroad language programs during the summer. Funding for study abroad during the academic year is on a case-by-case basis.
Project GO is open to U.S. Citizens from all branches of ROTC. Check our website for current eligibility requirements.
Find more information at the Project GO website.
Flagship Programs
UW Madison offers a Russian Flagship Program.
The Russian Flagship Program prepares undergraduate students to take their place among the next generation of global professionals, commanding a professional level of competence in Russian language and culture. By providing a rigorous yet flexible curriculum; individualized tutoring, advising and support; ample opportunities to use Russian on campus; and expanded opportunities for intensive study abroad, the UP-Madison Russian Flagship program enables highly motivates students of all majors and at all prior levels of proficiency in Russian to met the requirements of their major field of study and achieve a superior level of proficiency in Russian. More information can be found at The Russian Flagship Program Website.