Detachment 925 is an Air Force ROTC program that covers the campuses of UW-Madison, UW-Whitewater, Edgewood, Madison Area Technical College and Maranatha Baptist University. Proud of high standards of professionalism and a well developed cadet run corps, Detachment 925 is one of the more distinguished detachments in the nation.

At Detachment 925, our cadets strive for integrity in everything they do. The AFROTC honor code states that we shall not lie, steal, or cheat nor tolerate amoung us anyone who does. This code forms the foundation of our morality. On a college campus, it is extremely rare to find such a large group of people who are so unwaveringly honest with each other. The trust we build during training creates a strong camaraderie that we feel with each other in all our interactions. The Det 925 family always acts with integrity, even in the face of difficulty.

With multiple service organizations within ROTC for our cadets to join, Detachment 925 cadets set the example for their peers by dedicating time outside of class to give back to their communities. Whether they are helping homeless or sick veterans, supporting victims of assault, or raising money for disaster relief, our cadets value service to their communities as highly as service to their country.

For Detachment 925 cadets, excellence is second nature. Our cadets constantly push each other to be the best they can be, whether that be learning to march or studying for exams. Nationally, our average fitness scores have earned us the #1 spot among all AFROTC Detachments several times over the last few years. We acquire this prestige not by attracting star athletes, but by bringing everyone up to the same level of physical excellence, no matter how they come to us.